Sunday, 8 March 2015

The ClassROOM-Imaginations...

Good People,
We bid you welcome to another exciting week,today's piece is aimed at unlocking our minds,expanding our vision&broadening our horizon...Enjoy&Envision.

My subconscious mind
is a valuable asset
that fills my world
with positive reflections
various invincible images
scenarios and pictures
making me feel at ease
as I see the future
with my mind-eye.
With my subconscious mind
I can build my future
I can draw my dream home
I can sketch my business-line
I can picture my family life
I can move mountains
I can touch the air
I can fly to the skies
I can have to myself
all am able to envision
through the gift
of my subconscious mind
This invaluable gift in me
is like a propeller
it gives me HOPE despite odds
it gives me COURAGE despite difficulties
it gives me MOTIVATION despite setback
it gives me STRENGHT despite weaknesses
it gives me ANCHOR to keep balance
all propelling me
as with a canoe paddle on a sea shore
as I journey to my destination
As long as I live
I shall continue to explore
the power of my innate gift
while I sit on the seabed
while I gaze at the starry heavens
I shall keep musing
as to discover hidden
resources buried in my
subconscious mind
harnessing such productively
towards the reality of my life.
The power of my Imaginations
reveals unknown facts
decodes secrets encoded
showcase my potentials
discovers knowledge in the air
Opens the eyes to opportunities
unveils wisdom personified.

Imagination.....A poetic composition highlighting the dynamics inherent in our imagination. Every human has this forceful phenomenon though an invisible potent. Imagination when positively utilized can be the basis for the manifestation of an idea or concept that could transform or change a process already in place. We need to take time to engage productively this invaluable gift in us through the use of our perceptive powers of reasoning and meditation. As credited to Napoleon Hill:''WHATEVER THE MIND OF A MAN CAN CONCEIVE AND BELIEVE...THAT HE CAN ACHIEVE''.

The ClassROOM...Where Questions meet Answers

Friday, 6 March 2015

The ClassROOM-The Endowment Of Trust In You

Down the ages of human history, what appears to be a virtue has been turned by humans to a 'social vice', which many will hardly want to share or talk about. Everyone one of us have been a victim at one point or another in the hands of close family members, intimate friends, respectable citizens of the society, especially those in positions of authority.Recent developments in financial system leaves much to be desired, as the media and government agencies reported the indictment and prosecution of 'respectable' banks' executives on the mis-management and mis-appropriation of depositors' funds. This has led to such banks been taken over and managed by the government as a rescue measure to sanitize the financial system,Customers' Trust in the banks affected has been betrayed.Suffice to state that the human society is marred by a lack of TRUST!! As noted in the outset of this article, many detest a conversation on this social virtue because it is widely believed that an individual who hardly can trust himself cannot trust another. A question that deserves our utmost attention is – IS TRUST HUMANLY POSSIBLE?

delving deeply into the possibility or not of humans to be trustworthy,
let's first examine three possible causes of why humans in general has
fallen short of this virtue.

Greed is excessiveness in want and need,the incredible tendency to get
results that are favorable to companies or individuals even at the
detriment of values and ethics''.We live in a world where material
wealth and affluence is celebrated without recourse to it's source,this
alone propels people to live over and above their legitimate means in
order to fit into this viscous cycle

The general saying that 
''I must make it anyhow'' oftentimes propels people to cut corners in getting to
the top,this is further amplified by the saying that the end justifies
the means.'' Even though promises are made to follow a strict code of
values after the attainment of success,ethical values are at a low ebb
in our modern society. People are bent on getting up the ladder of
success at all cost even if compromising values are involved.

The beauty of trust is
in consistence with acceptable values.Most times clashes occur when
sacrifices are to be made in order to stay in tune with core
values.When this happens,we seldom jettison our beliefs,often forgo
laid down norms and tow the line which best guarantees our interest
even if they don't necessarily conform with our ethics.

Consider this- experiments conducted by Michael Kosfeld, a professor of
business administration at the Frankfurt University in Germany, led him
to the conclusion that Trust is ''a biologically-based part of human nature.'' 
Kosfeld discovered that when there is interaction between two
people, the human brain releases oxytocin, a hormone that stimulates
Trust. ''it is, in fact, one of the distinguishing features of the
human species, '' Kosfeld states. ''when trust is absent, we are, in a
sense, dehumanized'.

Simply put: without trust, a person is not worthy of being a human.
An airport cab driver who plies his trade at 
containing several hundreds of thousands of dollars left in his cab by a foreign expatriate,
It took him three days to track the owner but he persisted 
and did the right thing.

Food For Thought:

How many of us will do such?
Trust, though apparently a rare quality in the world today, is within the reach of
EVERYONE!. When this virtue becomes part of you, other virtues
associated are naturally displayed, such as- honesty, integrity,
fidelity, faithfulness and so on. 

Trust will make you stand out amongst your peers. 

It will make you become the sort after worker/labor by
employers of labor worldwide. It will earn you friendship you've never
imagine to have in Life. It will boost your ego and moral. It will
unleash upon you confidence like you never had. It will enrich your
life with joy and satisfaction. Reason why today, corporate firms,
social institutions, and even individuals are named after this virtue
or use it as there slogans/pay-off. As highlighted in the outset,
though some bank's have failed there customers, few bank's are noted
locally and in the international community to have retained the TRUST
and 'INTEGRITY' of there customers. We are proud to have such
institution/s making the theory of Kosfeld above true in their
respective cases.

Imagine a world filled with trustworthy individuals- No need to be in
fear when you leave your wallet or purse behind in a store or market,
when you remember that you did not lock up your car's doors at the
park. The financial system locally and globally will be strengthened
out of customers' TRUST and CONFIDENCE', resulting in a very strong and
viable financial world! Much heartache and associated ills will
drastically reduce, resulting in an increased life-expectancy for us
ALL!!. So, never underestimate your ability to develop this great
virtue of TRUST!! By learning to cultivate and manifest Trust in your
life, you are positioning yourself for greatness and success!!! Be

The ClassROOM...For US by us...


Tuesday, 3 March 2015

Good Day All,

 In line with the vision of The ClassROOM,We hereby present a case as forwarded by a member ,

please note that the member's name is witheld to ensure maximum privacy and strict confidentiality.
We hereby seek comments/contributions&suggestions from everyone.
Let us all remember that The ClassROOM is for us by us.


MY names are (Withheld). I have
a situation on ground I'll like 2 share with the class. I have been in
the employ of the bank for more than two years now. My dilemma centers
round the annual leave entitlement to all qualified members of staff.
This year, given a couple of projects or program at my disposal to
execute: school exams, professional exam, and  getting married, am so
confused as to managing all these with the 'three' weeks leave
allocation available to me.

The school examination will take about two weeks and few days given the
time table, while the professional examination will take me just three
days. My wedding should take about at least a week break. Summing all
these together, I'll surely overshoot the allocated 3 weeks for my
annual leave. This is my dilemma my classmates. I will appreciate your
suggestions on how to go about this, because all three identified
programs are very important to my life.



Readers who wish to share similar experiences/ordeals or other
challenges encountered on&off the job are free to forward such to
the team via email:

Optimum privacy and strict confidentiality is guaranteed as issues will be projected in 

The ClassROOM with the sole aim of finding mutually beneficial ways of
tackling them without identity disclosure of any kind or form.

The ClassROOM...Where Questions meet Answers

"The best day of your life is the one
on which you decide your life is your own.
No apologies or excuses...

No one to lean on, rely on, or blame.
The gift is yours - it is an amazing journey -
and you alone are responsible for the quality of it.
This is the day your life really begins."

Today's offering targets freshers but with valuable lessons for us all...Enjoy & Envision.

Welcoming the new employees in our midst  
After going through a meticulous process of recruitment designed by the organisation with the goal of selecting the best amongst the rest, below are tips to carve you into the Team's grooming:  

Positive Attitude: Bury outer-world issues right at the entrance of the office and 
equip yourself with the enthusiasm for being the best learning fast.

Outfit: Ensure your dressing is in line with the corporate grooming

Team Spirit: Always work along  with  the team, getting job done and solving problems.

Be Inquisitive: You must be open-minded by listening attentively, taking notes and 
asking questions objectively while avoiding asking same questions over and over again.

Work Full Days: Be dedicated by coming in early and staying a little later working with the team.

Learn Co-Workers' Names Quickly: You get along better with co-workers when you call them by first name. 
You might need use some memory-aid tricks that will help you achieve that within few days of joining.

Learn Everything About Your Employer: The Employee Handbook details all you need to know about this.

Listen More Than Talk: Never act like you know it all, but contribute when you have legitimate observations.

Find A Mentor: Mentors helps you leverage on their experience while advancing your career in the organisation.

Set Goals / Keep To-Do List: Get an organizer or planner to keep track of meetings, appointments,
assignments, tasks and projects.

Keep Your Boss Updated About Work Assignments: Always put your boss informed of What and 
How you are doing by establishing rapport and good relationship.

Network With Key People: Take advantage of every opportunity to network with key people within 
the branch, other units and branches.

Show Appreciation: Kindness and genuine appreciation promotes good working relationship 
from the least to the highest ranking personnel.

Final Tip: As a new hiree, you may find the job challenging and exciting, facing difficulties and opportunities that can mar you, but you must keep to your goal to excel and when you find yourself in difficult situation find someone to lean on.Keep to all the tips and you will make lasting impression and reputation to yourself and the Organisation.

KIS Publishers © 2011

Your mind is a mental workshop.
You can build anything in it.
Make your mental blueprint,
And begin to build.

TheClassROOM...For US by us

The Clarion Call

Friends,A time comes in our life when we finally get it... 

When in the midst of all our Failures,fears,shortcomings,and uncertainties 
we stop dead in our tracks and somewhere,the voice 
inside our head cries out - 

Enough fighting and crying,or struggling to hold on,Enough 
second guessing and settling for crumbs off the table of life.And,like a child 
quieting down after a blind tantrum, our sobs begin to subside, we shudder 
once or twice, we blink back tears and through a mantle of wet lashes, 

we begin to look at the world through new eyes. 

This is our awakening...

The choices we make define us and to a large extent
shapes our path in life,We are either winning or loosing.
Some of the significant differences between 
winning and losing are:

Hanging on,


Letting go, 
giving up easily,

Accepting responsibility for
  your actions,


Always having an excuse
  for your actions,


Taking The


Waiting to be told what
  to do,


Knowing what you want and
  setting goals to achieve it,


  for things, but taking no action,


Seeing The Big Picture,
 and setting your goals accordingly,
Seeing only where you
  are today,


It is because we are different that each of US Is Special and the difference is a fragile 
 thread that Binds US To Each Other,Come,let's strengthen this thread by 
 sharing life's experience together in The ClassROOM. 

Let's discover,share and nurture dreams,
To be without Dreams is to be Without Hope,
To be without Hope is to be Without Purpose.

Let's discuss:

- On and Off the Job - Challenges 
Career Prospects
- Entreprenuership & Self Sufficiency
- Dealing with Work Related 
- Complex issues - (Inferiority)

...Welcome To The ClassROOM where Questions Meet Answers.