Tuesday, 3 March 2015

The Clarion Call

Friends,A time comes in our life when we finally get it... 

When in the midst of all our Failures,fears,shortcomings,and uncertainties 
we stop dead in our tracks and somewhere,the voice 
inside our head cries out - 

Enough fighting and crying,or struggling to hold on,Enough 
second guessing and settling for crumbs off the table of life.And,like a child 
quieting down after a blind tantrum, our sobs begin to subside, we shudder 
once or twice, we blink back tears and through a mantle of wet lashes, 

we begin to look at the world through new eyes. 

This is our awakening...

The choices we make define us and to a large extent
shapes our path in life,We are either winning or loosing.
Some of the significant differences between 
winning and losing are:

Hanging on,


Letting go, 
giving up easily,

Accepting responsibility for
  your actions,


Always having an excuse
  for your actions,


Taking The


Waiting to be told what
  to do,


Knowing what you want and
  setting goals to achieve it,


  for things, but taking no action,


Seeing The Big Picture,
 and setting your goals accordingly,
Seeing only where you
  are today,


It is because we are different that each of US Is Special and the difference is a fragile 
 thread that Binds US To Each Other,Come,let's strengthen this thread by 
 sharing life's experience together in The ClassROOM. 

Let's discover,share and nurture dreams,
To be without Dreams is to be Without Hope,
To be without Hope is to be Without Purpose.

Let's discuss:

- On and Off the Job - Challenges 
Career Prospects
- Entreprenuership & Self Sufficiency
- Dealing with Work Related 
- Complex issues - (Inferiority)

...Welcome To The ClassROOM where Questions Meet Answers.

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