Sunday 8 March 2015

The ClassROOM-Imaginations...

Good People,
We bid you welcome to another exciting week,today's piece is aimed at unlocking our minds,expanding our vision&broadening our horizon...Enjoy&Envision.

My subconscious mind
is a valuable asset
that fills my world
with positive reflections
various invincible images
scenarios and pictures
making me feel at ease
as I see the future
with my mind-eye.
With my subconscious mind
I can build my future
I can draw my dream home
I can sketch my business-line
I can picture my family life
I can move mountains
I can touch the air
I can fly to the skies
I can have to myself
all am able to envision
through the gift
of my subconscious mind
This invaluable gift in me
is like a propeller
it gives me HOPE despite odds
it gives me COURAGE despite difficulties
it gives me MOTIVATION despite setback
it gives me STRENGHT despite weaknesses
it gives me ANCHOR to keep balance
all propelling me
as with a canoe paddle on a sea shore
as I journey to my destination
As long as I live
I shall continue to explore
the power of my innate gift
while I sit on the seabed
while I gaze at the starry heavens
I shall keep musing
as to discover hidden
resources buried in my
subconscious mind
harnessing such productively
towards the reality of my life.
The power of my Imaginations
reveals unknown facts
decodes secrets encoded
showcase my potentials
discovers knowledge in the air
Opens the eyes to opportunities
unveils wisdom personified.

Imagination.....A poetic composition highlighting the dynamics inherent in our imagination. Every human has this forceful phenomenon though an invisible potent. Imagination when positively utilized can be the basis for the manifestation of an idea or concept that could transform or change a process already in place. We need to take time to engage productively this invaluable gift in us through the use of our perceptive powers of reasoning and meditation. As credited to Napoleon Hill:''WHATEVER THE MIND OF A MAN CAN CONCEIVE AND BELIEVE...THAT HE CAN ACHIEVE''.

The ClassROOM...Where Questions meet Answers

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